4 Survival Analysis
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Survival Analysis is concerned with data where the outcome is the time until an event takes place (a ‘time-to-event’). Because the collection of such data takes place in the temporal domain (it takes time to observe a duration), the event of interest is often unobservable, for example because it did not occur by the end of the data collection period. In survival analysis terminology this is refered to as censoring.
This chapter defines basic terminology and mathematical definitions in survival analysis, which are used throughout this book. Building upon this chapter, Chapter 5 introduces event-history analysis, which is a generalisation to settings with multiple, potentially competing or recurrent events, including multi-state outcomes. Concluding this part of the book, Chapter 6 defines different prediction tasks in survival analysis that are used by models and measures to implement machine learning methods.
While these definitions and concepts are not new to survival analysis, it is imperative they are understood to build successful models. Evaluation functions (Part II) can identify if one model is better suited than another to minimize a given objective function, however they cannot identify if the objective function itself was specified correctly, which depends on the assumptions about the data generating process. Evaluating models with the wrong objective function yields meaningless results. Hence, it is of utmost importance for machine learning practitioners to be able identify and specify the survival problem present in their data correctly to ensure models are correctly fit and evaluated.
4.1 Quantifying the Distribution of Event Times
This section introduces functions that can be used to fully characteristise a probability distribution, particular focus is given to functions that are important in survival analysis.
Note that we can generally distinguish between event taking place in discrete time or continuous time. For example, consider the time a politician serves in parliament. If we consider the number of election cycles they stay in parliament, it would constitute discrete time, as time can only take values, \(1, 2, 3, \ldots\), that is \(T\in \mathbb{N}_{>0}\). On the other hand, the time an individual stays in hospital is usually determined as the difference between the admission date-time and discharge date-time, which would constitute a continous time \(T\in \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}\).
In practice the differences are often blurred as time-measurement will naturally be discretized at some level and precision beyond some resolution is often not of interest (hospital length of stay might be interesting up to days or hours, but not minutes and seconds). Also discrete-time methods are often applied to continuous time data and vice versa. It is nevertheless important to make the distinction as it informs mathematical treatment and definition of the different quantities introduced below.
4.1.1 Continuos Time
For now, assume a continuous, positive, random variable \(Y\) taking values in (t.v.i.) \(\mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}\). A standard representation of the distribution of \(Y\) is given by the probability density function (pdf), \(f_Y: \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}\), and cumulative distribution function (cdf), \(F_Y: \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}\rightarrow [0,1]; (\tau) \mapsto P(Y \leq \tau)\).
In survival analysis, it is most common to describe the distribution of event times \(Y\) via the survival function and hazard function (or hazard rate) rather than the pdf or cdf. The survival function is defined as \[ S_Y(\tau) = P(Y > \tau) = \int^\infty_\tau f_Y(u) \ du, \tag{4.1}\] which is the probability that an event has not occurred by \(\tau \geq 0\) and thus the complement of the cdf: \(S_Y(\tau) = 1-F_Y(\tau)\). By definition, \(S_Y(0)=1\) and \(S(\tau)\rightarrow 0\) for \(\tau \rightarrow \infty\).
The hazard function is given by \[ h_Y(\tau) = \lim_{\triangle \searrow 0}\frac{P(\tau \leq Y < \tau + \triangle|Y \geq \tau)}{\triangle} = \frac{f_Y(\tau)}{S_Y(\tau)}, \tag{4.2}\]
where \(\triangle\) denotes a time-interval. The hazard rate is often interpreted as the instantaneous risk of observing an event at \(\tau\), given that the event has not been observed before \(\tau\). This is not a probability and \(h_Y\) can be greater than one.
The cumulative hazard function (chf) can be derived from the hazard function by \[ H_Y(\tau) = \int^\tau_0 h_Y(u) \ du, \tag{4.3}\]
and relates to the survival function via
\[ H_Y(\tau) = \int^\tau_0 h_Y(u) \ du = \int^\tau_0 \frac{f_Y(u)}{S_Y(u)} \ du = \int^\tau_0 -\frac{S'_Y(u)}{S_Y(u)} \ du = -\log(S_Y(\tau)) \]
These last relationships are particularly important, as many methods estimate the hazard rate, which is then used to calculate the cumulative hazard and survival probability \[S_Y(\tau) = \exp(-H_Y(\tau)) = \exp\left(-\int_0^\tau h_Y(u)\ du\right). \tag{4.4}\]
Unless necessary to avoid confusion, subscripts are dropped from \(S_Y, h_Y\) etc. going forward and instead these functions are referred to as \(S\), \(h\) (and so on).
Usual regression techniques cannot be used to estimate these quantities as \(Y\) is only partially observed, due to different types of censoring and truncation, which are now described.
4.1.2 Discrete Time
Now consider a discrete, positive random variable \(\tilde{Y}\) taking value in \(\mathbb{N}_{>0}\) and \(\tau\in \mathbb{N}_{>0}\) some timepoint in discrete time.
The discrete-time hazard rate
\[ h^d_{\tilde{Y}}(\tau) = P(\tilde{Y}=\tau|\tilde{Y} \geq \tau). \tag{4.5}\]
Note that in contrast to the continuous time hazard Equation 4.2, the discrete time hazard is a conditional probability, rather than a rate and therefore might be easier to interpret.
The cumulative discrete time hazard is given by
\[ H^d_{\tilde{Y}}(\tau) = \sum_{k=1}^{\tau}h^d_{\tilde{Y}}(k) \tag{4.6}\]
We then define the inverse probability \[ s^d_{\tilde{Y}}(\tau) := 1 - h^d_{\tilde{Y}}(\tau) = P(\tilde{Y}> \tau|\tilde{Y} \geq \tau). \]
It then follows that the probability to survive beyond time point \(\tau\) is given by
\[ S^d_{\tilde{Y}} = P(\tilde{Y} > \tau) = \prod_{k\leq\tau} s^d_{\tilde{Y}}(\tau) = \prod_{k\leq\tau}(1-h^d_{\tilde{Y}}(\tau)) \tag{4.7}\]
When applied to continuous time \(Y\), the follow-up is devided in \(J\) disjunct intervals \((a_0,a_{1}],\ldots,(a_{j-1},a_j]\ldots, (a_{J-1},a_{J}],j=1,\ldots,J\) such that
\[Y \in (a_{j-1}, a_j]\Leftrightarrow \tilde{Y} = j .\] Thus,
\[h^d_{\tilde{Y}}(j) = P(Y \in (a_{j-1},a_j]|Y > a_{j-1}),\]
and \[S^d_{\tilde{Y}}(j) = P(Y > a_{j}) = S_Y(a_{j})\]
For more details on discrete time-to-event analysis consider (Tutz and Schmid 2016).
4.2 Single-event, right-censored data
Survival analysis has a more complex data setting than other fields as the ‘true’ data generating process is not directly observable. The variables of interest are often theoretical and instead engineered variables are defined to capture observed information. Let,
- \(X\) taking values in \(\mathbb{R}^p\) be the generative random variable representing the data features/covariates/independent variables.
- \(Y\) taking values in \(\mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}\) be the (partially unobservable) true survival time.
- \(C\) taking values in \(\mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}\) be the (partially unobservable) true censoring time.
In the presence of censoring \(C\), it is impossible to fully observe the true object of interest, \(Y\). Instead, the observable variables are defined by
- \(T := \min\{Y,C\}\), the outcome time (realisations are refered to as the observed outcome time); and
- \(\Delta := \mathbb{I}(Y = T) = \mathbb{I}(Y \leq C)\), the event indicator (also known as the censoring or status indicator).
Together \((T,\Delta)\) is referred to as the survival outcome or survival tuple and they form the dependent variables. The survival outcome provides a concise mechanism for representing the outcome time and indicating which outcome (event or censoring) took place.
A survival dataset is a \(n \times p\) Real-valued matrix defined by \(\mathcal{D}= ((\mathbf{x}_1, \ t_1, \ \delta_1) \cdots (\mathbf{x}_n,t_n,\delta_n))^\top\), where \((t_i,\delta_i)\) are realisations of the respective random variables \((T_i, \Delta_i)\) and \(\mathbf{x}_i\) is a \(p\)-dimensional vector, \(\mathbf{x}_i = (x_{i;1} \ x_{i;2} \cdots x_{i;p})^\top\).
Finally, the following quantities are used frequently throughout this book and survival analysis literature more generally. Let \((t_i, \delta_i) \stackrel{i.i.d.}\sim(T,\Delta), i = 1,...,n\), be observed survival outcomes. Then,
The set of unique outcome times is the set of time-points in which at least one observation experiences the event or is censored:
\[ \mathcal{U}_O \subseteq \{t_i\}_{i \in \{1,...,n\}} \]
The set of unique event times is the set of time-points in which at least one observation experiences the event (but not censored):
\[ \mathcal{U}_D \subseteq \{t_i: \delta_i = 1\}_{i \in \{1,...,n\}} \]
The ordered, unique events times may also be denoted by
\[ t_{(i)},\ i=1,\ldots,m \quad t_{(1)} < t_{(2)} < \cdots < t_{(m)}, \quad m \leq n \]
The risk set at \(\tau\), is the index-set of observation units at risk for the event just before \(\tau\)
\[\mathcal{R}_\tau := \{i: t_i \geq \tau\}\]
where \(i\) is the index of an observation in the data. For right-censored data, \(\mathcal{R}_0 = \{1,\ldots,n\}\) and \(\mathcal{R}_{\tau} \subseteq \mathcal{R}_{\tau'}, \forall \tau > \tau'\). Note that in a continuous setting, ‘just before’ refers to an infinitesimally smaller time than \(\tau\), in practice as this is unobservable the risk set is defined at \(\tau\), hence an observation may both be at risk, and experience an event (or be censored) at \(\tau\).
The number of observations at risk at \(\tau\) is the cardinality of the risk set at \(\tau\),
\[n_\tau := \sum_i \mathbb{I}(t_i \geq \tau) = |\mathcal{R}_\tau|\]
Finally, the number of events at \(\tau\) is defined by,
\[d_\tau := \sum_i \mathbb{I}(t_i = \tau, \delta_i = 1)\]
For truly continuous variables, one might expect only one event to occur at each observed event time: \(d_{t_i} = 1,\forall i\). In practice, ties are often observed due to finite measurement precision, such that \(d_{\tau} > 1\) occurs frequently in real-world datasets.
The quantities \(\mathcal{R}_\tau\), \(n_\tau\), and \(d_\tau\) underlie many models and measures in survival analysis. Several non-parametric and semi-parametric methods (Chapter 13) like the Kaplan-Meier estimator (see Section 4.3) are based on the ratio \(d_\tau / n_\tau\).
Table 4.1 exemplifies an observed survival dataset, a subset of the tumor
data (Bender and Scheipl 2018), which contains the time until death in days after operation (\(\delta_i=1\) if death occured at the outcome time \(t_i\) and \(\delta_i = 0\) otherwise). In this example, the above quantities would be:
- \(\mathcal{U}_0 = \{268, 397, 519, 1217, 2414\}\): with \(1217\) included only once
- \(\mathcal{U}_D = \{268, 397, 1217\}\): with the inclusion of \(1217\) due to the event at \(t_1\), not censoring at \(t_5\)
- \(\mathcal{R}_{\tau = 1217} = \{1, 3, 5\}\) (these subjects’ outcome times are greater or equal to \(\tau = 1217\) so they are at risk for the event at this time)
- \(n_{\tau = 1217} = |\mathcal{R}_{1217}| = 3\)
- \(d_{\tau = 1217} = 1\): As only \(i = 1\) experienced the event (and not censoring) at this time.
(Bender and Scheipl 2018) time-to-event dataset. Rows are individual observations (ID), \(\mathbf{x}_{;j}\) columns are features, \(t\) is observed time-to-event, \(\delta\) is the event indicator.
id (\(i\)) | age \((\mathbf{x}_{;1})\) | sex \((\mathbf{x}_{;2})\) | complications \((\mathbf{x}_{;3})\) | days (\(\mathbf{t}\)) | status (\(\boldsymbol{\delta}\)) |
1 | 71 | female | no | 1217 | 1 |
2 | 70 | male | no | 519 | 0 |
3 | 67 | female | yes | 2414 | 0 |
4 | 58 | male | no | 397 | 1 |
5 | 39 | female | yes | 1217 | 0 |
6 | 59 | female | no | 268 | 1 |
4.3 Kaplan-Meier estimator
Before we go further, we introduce a simple, non-parametric estimator for the survival function (Equation 4.1), the Kaplan-Meier estimator (Kaplan and Meier 1958). The estimator is useful for visualising survival data and is a popular baseline model to compare to the predictive performance of more complex methods. In machine learning terms it can be viewed as a “featureless” learner for survival analysis.
Using the quantities introduced in Section 4.2, the estimator is defined by:
\[ \hat{S}_{KM}(\tau) = \prod_{k:t_{(k)} \leq \tau}\left(1-\frac{d_{t_{(k)}}}{n_{t_{(k)}}}\right) \tag{4.8}\] which is a step-function at the observed ordered event times \(t_{(k)}, k=1,\ldots,m\) with \(\hat{S}_{KM}(\tau) = 1\ \forall \tau < t_{(1)}\). It is usually estimated for all unique event times.
For illustration, Figure 4.1 shows the estimated survival probablity obtained by applying the Kaplan-Meier estimator to the full tumor
data, containing observations of \(n=776\) subjects. By definition, the survival function starts at \(S(t)=1\) at \(t=0\) and monotonically decreases towards \(S(t)=0\) for \(t\rightarrow \infty\). Dotted lines indicated the median survival, defined as the time at which the survival function reaches \(S(t) = 0.5\). In this example, the median survival time is approximately 1500 days, as indicated by the dashed lines. This means that 50% of the subjects are expected die within 1500 days after operation.
While the Kaplan-Meier estimator does not directly support estimation of covariate effects on the estimated survival probabilities, it is often used for descriptive analysis by applying the estimator to different subgroups (refered to as stratification in survival analysis). For example, Figure 4.2 shows \(\hat{S}_{KM}\) separately for subjects aged 50 years or older and subjects younger than 50 years, respectively. Dashed lines again illustrate median survival times. However, note that the median survival time does not exist for the younger age group, as their estimated survival function does not cross \(0.5\).
Sometimes the KM Estimator is also used to estimate the distribution of censoring times, for example to calculate inverse probability of censoring weights (Section 8.1.1). Throughout this book, we denote the Kaplan-Meier estimator applied to the observed censoring times \((t_i, 1-\delta_i)\) as \(\hat{G}_{KM}\).
4.4 Types of Censoring
Three types of censoring are commonly defined in survival analysis: right-censoring, left-censoring, and interval-censoring. The latter can be viewed as the most general case. Multiple types of censoring and/or truncation (Section 4.5) can occur in any given data set and it is vital to identify which types are present in order to correctly select and specify models and measures for the data.
Right-censoring is the most commonly assumed form of censoring in survival data. It occurs when the event of interest was not experienced during the observation period, which may happen because it was no longer observable (for example, due to withdrawal from the study) or because the event did not happen until study end. The exact event time is unknown but it is known that the event is after the observed censoring time, hence right-censoring (imagine a timeline from left to right as in Figure 4.3).
Right-censoring can be further divided into Type-I, Type-II and random censoring. Type-I, or administrative, censoring occurs at the fixed, pre-defined end of an observation period \(\tau_u\), in which case the outcome is given by \((T_i = \min(Y_i, \tau_u), \Delta_i = \mathbb{I}(Y_i \leq \tau_u))\). Censored observations are therefore represented as \((\tau_u, 0)\). Type-II censoring also occurs when the observation period ends. However, in this case the study ends when a pre-defined number of subjects experienced the event of interest and hence \(\tau_u\) is random.
Random censoring occurs when censoring times randomly follow an unknown distribution and one observes \((T_i=\min(Y_i,C_i), \Delta_i = \mathbb{I}(Y_i\leq C_i))\). Different types of right-censoring can, and sometimes do, co-occur in any given data set.
In practice, these different types of right-censoring are usually handled the same during modeling and evaluation and so this book refers to ‘right-censoring’ generally, which could occur from a combination of the above types.
Left- and Interval-censoring
Left-censoring occurs when the event is known to have happened at some unknown time before observation time, interval-censoring occurs when the event is known to have happened within some time span, but not the exact time.
Consider a survey about phone use where participants are asked: “How old were you when you used a smart phone for the first time?”. The possible answers are:
- exact age of first use
- didn’t use a smart phone yet
- did or does use a phone but doesn’t remember age of first time use
- did or does use a phone, remembers a specifc age range
The first case represents an exactly observed event time, the second case the familiar right-censoring, as the event may occur later in life, but it is unknow when. The third case is refered to as left-censoring, we know the event occured before the interview, but don’t know when. The fourth case is an example of interval-censoring, as we know the event occured within some age span, but not the exact age.
Interval- and left-censoring also often occurs in medical contexts. For example, some guidelines suggest annual screenings for skin cancer (starting from a certain age). However, the initial age at which individuals do screenings and regularity of check ups varies widely. If cancer was detected between two screenings, the observation is interval-censored. If cancer is detected at first screening, the observation is left-censored (unless the ‘age’ of the cancer can be narrowed down based on size and other characteristics, in which case it would become interval-censored).
Censoring Notation
In the presense of left-or interval-censoring the usual representation of survival outcomes as \((t_i, \delta_i)\) is not sufficient to denote the different types of observations in the data set. Instead, we represent the data as intervals in which the event occurs. Formally, let \(Y_i\) the random variable for time until the event of interest and \(L_i, R_i\) random variables that define an interval \((L_i,R_i]\) with realisations \(l_i, r_i\). Let further \(t_i\) the time of observation (for example age at interview in the phone use example) or last-follow up time for subject \(i\). Then the event time of subject \(i\) is
- left-censored if \(Y_i \in (L_i = 0, R_i = t_i]\);
- right-censored at \(t_i\) if \(Y_i \in (L_i = t_i, R_i = \infty)\);
- interval-censored \(Y_i \in (L_i = l_i, R_i = r_i]\), \(l_i < r_i \leq t_i\)
- exactly observed if \(Y_i \in (L_i = t_i, R_i = t_i]\)
In the cancer screening example from above it holds that \(r_i=t_i\) and \(l_i\) the last check-up before \(r_i\). In the phone use example, the participants might specify any age range between \(0\) and \(t_i\).
To make this more concrete, consider phone use example data, where \(t_i\) is the age at interview. In practice, such data is often stored by creating two variables representing the left (\(l_i\)) and right border (\(r_i\)) of the respective intervals (\(t_i\) is not really needed here to define the outcome, but included for illustration).
id | \(t_i\) | \(l_i\) | \(r_i\) |
1 | 13 | 13 | \(\infty\) |
2 | 17 | 15 | 15 |
3 | 16 | 14 | 16 |
4 | 16 | 13 | 15 |
5 | 18 | 0 | 18 |
Here, the first subject is right-censored at 13 years (\(l_i=t_i = 13, r_i = \infty\)), the second subject remembered exactly (\(l_i=r_i=15 < t_i = 17\)), the third subject remembers that it was after 14, but not exact age (\(l_i = 14 < r_i = 16=t_i\)), fourth subject remembers use after 13 years and latest at 15 years of age (\(l_i = 13 < r_i = 15 < t_i\)), and the fifth subject uses a smart phone currently at age 18, but cannot specify further (\(l_i = 0 < r_i = 18 = t_i\)).
From the example above, it is clear, that right- and left-censoring are special cases of interval-censoring. However, if only right- or left-censoring is present, the likelihood and estimation simplifies (see ?sec-surv-obj). Also note that in case of left- and interval-censoring the event is known to have occured, while for right-censoring the event didn’t occur during time under observation. For left- and right-censoring one might be tempted to consider it an event \(\delta_i = 1\) without exact time, while right-censoring would be consider a non-event \(\delta_i = 0\). However, technically it is assumed that the event will always occur, if we wait long enough (for right-censored data in the interval \((t_i, \infty]\)). Censoring therefore means having imprecise information about the time of event rather than information about the event occuring or not occuring.
Dependent vs. Informative Censoring
Censoring may be defined as uninformative if \(Y \perp \!\!\! \perp C\) and informative otherwise. However, these definitions can be misleading as the term ‘uninformative’ could imply that \(C\) is independent of both \(X\) and \(Y\), and not just \(Y\). To avoid misinterpretation, the following definitions are used in this book:
- If \(C \perp \!\!\! \perp X\), censoring is feature-independent, otherwise censoring is feature-dependent.
- If \(C \perp \!\!\! \perp Y\), censoring is event-independent, otherwise censoring is event-dependent.
- If \((C \perp \!\!\! \perp Y) | X\), censoring is conditionally independent of the event given covariates, or conditionally event-independent.
- If \(C \perp \!\!\! \perp(X,Y)\), censoring is uninformative, otherwise censoring is informative.
Uninformative censoring can generally be well-handled by models as the true underlying distribution of survival times is not affected by censoring. In fact, in this case one could even use regression models after removing censored observations (if they do not form a high proportion of the data).
In reality, censoring is rarely non-informative as reasons for drop-out or missingness in outcomes tend to be related to the study of interest. Event-dependent censoring is a tricky case that, if not handled appropriately (by a competing-risks framework), can easily lead to poor model development. Imagine a study is interested in predicting the time between relapses of stroke but a patient suffers a brain aneurysm due to some separate neurological condition. There is a high possibility that a stroke may have occurred if the aneurysm had not. A survival model is unlikely to distinguish the censoring event (aneurysm) from the event of interest (stroke) and will confuse predictions.
In practice, the majority of models and measures assume that censoring is conditionally event-independent and hence censoring patterns can be predicted/estimated based on the covariates. For example, if studying the survival time of ill pregnant patients in hospital, then dropping out of the study due to pregnancy is clearly dependent on how many weeks pregnant the patient is when the study starts (for the sake of argument assume no early/late pregnancy due to illness).
4.5 Censoring vs. Truncation
A common confusion is to conflate censoring and truncation, which is problematic as the methods to handle them differ substantially. Outside of time-to-event settings, truncation usually refers to truncating (or removing) an entire subject from a dataset. As discussed in Chapter 1, truncation in survival analysis refers to partially truncating a period of time and is quite common in the more general event history setting (Chapter 5).
While censored observations have incomplete information about the time-to-event, they are still part of the data set. Whereas truncation leads to observations not entering the data set (at least not at time 0). This will usually introduce bias that needs to be accounted for.
Left-truncation often occurs when inclusion into a study is conditional on the occurence of another event. Left-truncation plays an important role when modeling recurrent events or multi-state data (Chapter 5), thus the concept will be introduced in more detail.
By example, consider a study from the 18th century (Broström 1987), when childhood and maternal mortality were relatively high. The goal of the study was to establish the effect of a mother’s death on the survival of the infant. Since each death was reported to the authorities, an infant was added to the study if and when their mother died. To create a matched cohort, two other infants, whose mothers were alive, were matched into the study based on their age and other relevant features. Thus, groups of three infants within the study had identical features except for the status of the mother (alive or dead). Because of the study design, infants who died before their mothers could never enter into the study. A mother’s death is thus refered to as left-truncation event and the infant’s age at time of inclusion into the study is refered to as left-truncation time.
More formally, let \(t^L_i\) the subject-specific left-truncation time. Then we only observe subjects with \(y_i > t^L_i\) and subjects with \(y_i < t^L_i\) never enter the data.
This is illustrated in Figure 4.4. Continuing with the example above, say Infant 1 dies at \(t_1\), while the mother dies at some later timepoint \(t_1^L\), thefore Infant 1 never enters the study. The mother of Infant 2 dies at \(t_2^L\), at which point the infant is included in the study and experiences an event at \(t_2\). Finally, say Infant 3 enters the study at \(t_3^L\) and is censored at 365 days when the study ends.
In this example, left-truncation biases the sample towards healthier or more robust infants, as frail infants on die earlier and thus on average before their mothers. This would bias the estimates if not properly taken into account.
Continuing the above example, Figure 4.5 shows the difference between estimated survival probabilities when left-truncation is ignored (left panel) and taken into account (right panel), respectively. It is clear that the survival probabilities were underestimated in both groups, but more so in the group of infants whose mother died (thereby underestimating the effect of the mothers’ death on infant survival).
To understand this, consider an excerpt from the infants data in Table 4.2.
(Broström 2024) time-to-event dataset. Rows are individual observations (id), group
indicates matched infants, \(t^L\) is the left-truncation time (time of inclusion into the study), \(t\) is the observed time, \(\delta\) is the event indicator.
group | id | \(t^L\) | \(t\) | \(\delta\) | mother |
1 | 1 | 55 | 365 | 0 | dead |
1 | 2 | 55 | 365 | 0 | alive |
1 | 3 | 55 | 365 | 0 | alive |
2 | 4 | 13 | 76 | 1 | dead |
2 | 5 | 13 | 365 | 0 | alive |
2 | 6 | 13 | 365 | 0 | alive |
4 | 7 | 2 | 16 | 1 | dead |
4 | 8 | 2 | 365 | 0 | alive |
4 | 9 | 2 | 365 | 0 | alive |
Now recall the calculation of the Kaplan-Meier estimate from Section 4.3. In Table 4.2, without stratifying according to mother’s status, the first observed event time is \(t_{(1)} = t_7=16\). Then ignoring left-truncation,
- \(\mathcal{R}_{t_{(1)}} = \{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9\}\)
- \(d_{t_{(1)}} = 1\)
- \(n_{t_{(1)}} = 9\)
- \(S(t_{(1)}) = 1 - \frac{1}{9} \approx 0.9\)
In contrast, when we take left-truncation into account, subjects only enter the risk set for the event after their left-truncation time (we already know they survived until \(t_i^L\) so they are not at risk for the event before that time), thus
- \(\mathcal{R}_{t_{(1)}} = \{4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9\}\)
- \(d_{t_{(1)}} = 1\)
- \(n_{t_{(1)}} = 6\)
- \(S(t_{(1)}) = 1 - \frac{1}{6} \approx 0.8\)
Thus, the definition of the KM estimator in Equation 13.1 can still be used in case of left-truncation using the more general risk set definition
\[ \mathcal{R}_\tau = \{i: t_i^L \ \geq \tau \wedge t_i \geq \tau\} \tag{4.9}\]
Right-truncation often occurs in retrospective sampling based on registry data, when data is queried for cases reported by a certain cut-off time (see for example Vakulenko-Lagun, Mandel, and Betensky (2020)). A common example is the estimation of the incubation period of an infectious disease, which is the time from infection to the disease onset. Only known, symptomatic (and/or tested) cases are entered into the database. At a time \(\tau\), one can only observe the subset of the infected population that has already experienced the disease, and not the population that is still incubating the disease, hence biasing the data to shorter incubation periods.
Formally, let \(t_i^r\) be the right-truncation time (here time from infection until the time at which the database is queried), then subjects only enter the data set when \(t_i < t_i^r\). This is illustrated in Figure 4.6 using three subjects. All three subjects were infected during the observation period, however, the right-truncation time \(t_2^r\) of subject 2 is shorter than the incubation period \(t_2\) for this subject, thus at the time of querying the data base, this subject will not be included in the sample, as \(t_2 > t_2^r\).
Note the difference to right-censoring. If subject 2 was right-censored, the subject would be in our sample and the time of infection would be known - the time of disease onset would be censored. In case of right-truncation on the other hand, the subject is not included in the sample at time of data extraction, as subjects are only included in the registry after disease onset. Overall this leads to a bias towards shorter incubation times and potentially feature values that lead to shorter incubation times.
As for left-truncation, ingoring right-truncation will lead to biased estimations. While for left-truncated data simple adjustments of the risk set work for non- and semi-parametric methods like the Kaplan-Meier and Cox-type estimators, this is not the case for right-truncated data. However, parametric methods can be employed (see ?sec-surv-obj) and generalised product limit estimators for right-truncated data exist (Akritas and LaValley 2005).
4.6 Estimation
While details about estimation will be given later, when different models are introduced in Part III and Part IV of the book, it is worthwile discussing some general concepts here, namely parametric and non-parametric approaches.
4.6.1 Parametric estimation
Consider for now uncensored data \((t_i, \delta_i=1), i=1,\ldots,n\). A standard approach would be to assume a suitable distribution for the event times \(t_i \stackrel{iid}{\sim} F_Y(\boldsymbol{\theta}), \boldsymbol{\theta}=(\theta_1,\theta_2,\ldots)^\top\), and define the likelihood of the data as \[\mathcal{L}(\boldsymbol{\theta}) = \prod_{i=1}^{n}f_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta}), \tag{4.10}\] where \(f_Y\) is the pdf of \(F_Y\).
The model parameters can then be obtained by maximizing the likelhood such that
\[\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}} = \mathop{\mathrm{arg\,max}}_{\boldsymbol{\theta}} \mathcal{L}(\boldsymbol{\theta})\]
However, in the presence of censoring Equation 4.10 is incorrect, as the exact event time is only known for some subjects. For example, for right-censored data (\(\delta_i = 0\)) we only know that the event occured after observed censoring time \(t_i\). Thus the likelihood contribution for such data points is \(P(Y_i > t_i) = S_Y(t_i)\), whereas for observed event times (\(\delta_i=0\)) the likelihood contribution is \(f_Y(t_i)\) as before.
Let now \(\mathcal{O}= \{i:\delta_i = 1\}\) the index set of observed event times and \(\mathcal{RC} = \{i:\delta_i = 0\}\) the index set of censored observations. The likelihood of this data can be written as
\[ \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}(\boldsymbol{\theta}) & \propto \prod_{i \in \mathcal{O}}f_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})\prod_{i \in \mathcal{RC}}S_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})\nonumber\\ & = \prod_{i=1}^n f_y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})^{\delta_i}S_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})^{1-\delta_i}\\ & = \prod_{i=1}^n \frac{f_y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})^{\delta_i}}{S_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})^{\delta_i}}S_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})\\ & = \prod_{i=1}^n h_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})^{\delta_i}S_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})\nonumber, \end{aligned} \tag{4.11}\]
where the last equality follows from Equation 4.2.
Similar adjustments to the likelihood can be made for other types of censoring and in the presence of truncation. Following Klein and Moeschberger (2003), we can define the individual likelihood contributions for the different types of censoring as
- observed event at \(t_i\): \(f_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})\)
- right-censoring: \(P(Y_i > t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta}) = S_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})\)
- left-censoring: \(P(Y_i < t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta}) = F_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta}) = 1 - S_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})\)
- interval-censoring: \(P(l_i < Y_i \leq r_i|\boldsymbol{\theta}) = S_Y(l_i|\boldsymbol{\theta}) - S_Y(r_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})\)
Depending on which of the above contributions occur in the data set, we can now construct our likelihood accordingly. Let \(\mathcal{O}, \mathcal{RC}, \mathcal{LC}, \mathcal{IC}\) non-overlapping subsets of the observed data \(\mathcal{D}\) for subjects with observed event times, right-censoring, left-censoring and interval-censoring, respectively. Assuming independence between observations and in absense of truncation, the likelihood for the observed data can be defined as
\[\mathcal{L}(\boldsymbol{\theta}) \propto \prod_{i \in \mathcal{O}}f_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta}) \prod_{i \in \mathcal{RC}}S_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta}) \prod_{i \in \mathcal{LC}}(1-S_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta}))\prod_{i \in \mathcal{IC}}(S_Y(l_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})-S_Y(r_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})) \tag{4.12}\]
In case of truncation, the adjustments are made to all observations, as we have to condition on the event occuring after/before the truncation time. The truncation adjusted likelihood contributions (assuming independence of truncation and event/censoring times) would thus be given by
- event: \(f(Y_i = t_i|Y_i \geq t_i^L, \boldsymbol{\theta}) = \frac{f_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})}{S_Y(t_i^L|\boldsymbol{\theta})}\)
- left-censoring: \(P(Y_i < t_i|Y_i \geq t_i^L, \boldsymbol{\theta}) = \frac{S_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})}{S_Y(t_i^L|\boldsymbol{\theta})}\)
- interval-censoring: \(P(l_i < Y_i \leq r_i|Y_i \geq t_i^L,\boldsymbol{\theta}) = \frac{S_Y(l_i|\boldsymbol{\theta}) - S_Y(r_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})}{S_Y(t_i^L|\boldsymbol{\theta})}\)
- event: \(f(Y_i = t_i|Y_i \leq t_i^R, \boldsymbol{\theta}) = \frac{f_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})}{F_Y(t_i^R|\boldsymbol{\theta})}\)
- left-censoring: \(P(Y_i < t_i|Y_i \leq t_i^R, \boldsymbol{\theta}) = \frac{S_Y(t_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})}{F_Y(t_i^R|\boldsymbol{\theta})}\)
- interval-censoring: \(P(l_i < Y_i \leq r_i|Y_i \leq t_i^R,\boldsymbol{\theta}) = \frac{S_Y(l_i|\boldsymbol{\theta}) - S_Y(r_i|\boldsymbol{\theta})}{F_Y(t_i^R|\boldsymbol{\theta})}\)
Note that in in practice, data sets will often not contain all types of censoring or truncation, in which case Equation 4.12 will contain only a subset of the product terms. This has been illustrated in Equation 4.11 under absence of truncation and \(\mathcal{LC}=\mathcal{IC}=\emptyset\).
4.6.2 Non-parametric estimation
As the name suggests, non-parametric estimation (and semi-parametric estimation) techniques do not make (strong) assumptions about the underlying distribution of event times.
A common principle for such techniques is to partition the follow into intervals or to define specific time-points during the follow-up and to estimate the continuous or discrete time hazards for each interval/time-point. Then based on the relationship between the hazard and other quantities (Section 4.1) to derive the respective estimates, for example for the survival probability.
The Kaplan-Meier estimator introduced earlier (Section 4.3) is an example for this principle. There, time-points \(t_{(k)},\ k=1,\ldots,m\) are used to calculate the discrete time hazards \(h^d(t_{(k)}) = P(Y\in (t_{(k-1)},t_{(k)}])=\frac{d_{t_{(k)}}}{n_{t_{(k)}}}\) (Equation 4.5). The survival probability and the definition of the Kaplan-Meier estimator (Equation 13.1) then follow from Equation 4.7.
Similarly, the Nelson-Aalen estimator (Nelson (1972),Aalen (1978)) for the discrete cumulative hazard (Equation 4.6) is defined as
\[ H_{NA}(\tau) = \sum_{t_{(k)}\leq \tau} \frac{d_{t_{(k)}}}{n_{t_{(k)}}}. \tag{4.13}\]
Similar to the Kaplan-Meier estimator, \(H_{NA}\) can deal with left-truncated data based on the general risk-set definition Equation 4.9.
Based on Equation 4.13 Breslow (Breslow (1972)) suggested a survival probability estimate using the relationship in Equation 4.4 as
\[ S_{Breslow}(\tau) = \exp(-H_{NA}(\tau)) \tag{4.14}\]
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